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Moffat and Campbell is less than a mile and half from Beech and Spaulding. The Gaylords that held these corners, were on the frontlines of the Latino immigration. There is no doubt that the Maffot and Campbell Gaylord's saw more than their share of action.

UIC Gang Study

Gang Research


Moffat and Campbell Gaylords

MoffatMoffat and Campbell signCampbell

The Moffat and Campbell Gaylords were the last white gang to hold down turf in Homboldt Park section of Chicago. The Moffat and Campbell Gaylords were located in the Tulley High School (later to be remamed Clementi High School) area which in the seventies was changing into a Latino neighborhood.

Mid 1980'sMoffat and Campbell Gaylords from the mid 1980sM-C Gaylords

RIP Huey and Moose - Brothers Maffot and Campbell

MooseHuey and Moose Avers and Altgeld GaylordsHuey

Huey (right: Michael Leahy), was a member of the Avers of Altgeld Section (A-Ast) started by Happy from Palmer Street, with his brother Moose (left) who was a Moffat and Campbell Gaylord. Photos provided by their mother - Judy - with pride!

Michael Leahy entered and won a city contest to name the park on Moffat - People's Park. Unknown to everyone, it was named honoring the People Alliance. It angered Folk Nation gang members from the area because they had to look at the name People. It was later changed to a non confrontational name. The park was renamed in 2005, to Lucy Flower Park.

Pastor Dick West was a very caring man who had programs for the kids karate and stuff like that in fact it was St. John's church that sponsored the Peoples Park naming contest. Pastor West passed away many years ago. Pastor West helped out the Gaylords by bailing them out, and attending court with them. He tried to provide them with jobs and help the community.

Moffat and Campbell Mural

Maffot and Campbell Gaylords Mural

Lords of humboldt Park

MoffatAlmight Lords of Moffat and Campbell GaylordsLords

Almighty Moffat Street Gaylords Gaylords | Moffat and Campbell

AlmightyAlmight Lords of Moffat and Campbell GaylordsM-c

Lords ofLords of M-C 7-12M-c

1970s Moffat and Campbell Gaylord

Stone1970 Stone Greaser M-CGreaser

StoneLords of Maffot StreetGreasers